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Without Question:
Francis X. O'Neill

Mr O'Neill continues: We know that the report got to the Warren Commission, but who was the Warren Commission? The Warren Commission was composed of people appointed by the president-the president of the United States, Johnson. They were very distinguished men, they were very good men, but they had other jobs too-you had the supreme [sic] justice of the Supreme Court on there. So, the bulk of the work, the bulk of the sifting of the investigation reports was done by their assistants-young, eager attorneys. One in particular was the present senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter. And one fine day, Arlen Specter called myself and Jim Sibert to be interviewed, concerning our report, which he seemed to have some problems with, because it just didn't jive with a theory that he had. A theory that he had... So we went there and discussed some of the things that happened and we told him about it, and he said, "Well, are you sure that this happened?" "Just as sure as we're seeing and talking to you, Mr. Specter." By the way, he had a young secretary on the side and he thought he knew everything about investigations at that particular time. He still thinks he knows everything about the investigations. So he was, eh, he was asking us questions and we told him exactly what I told you here. In fact, I went back to my office in Washington and was interviewed by several individuals of the higher echelons of the Bureau and told them exactly what happened, and that is incorporated in various memorandums which went to Mr. Hoover.

You've got to remember this now -- the president of the United States had put a time limit on the time of the Warren Commission who hadn't finished their report. It was getting near the end of that. Arlen Specter was pressing, pressing, pressing for the single-bullet theory because, this time, they knew that Kennedy had been hit, and they also knew that our good friend Mr. Johnson [sic] had been hit. They also knew that there was a bullet found on a particular stretcher. So, he sold the single-bullet theory to the Warren Commission, and over the fact that Hal [sic] Boggs -- Lord have mercy on him, not alive today -- was upset with it. I know that Jerry Ford was upset with it. There were several members of the Warren Commission that didn't like that particular theory at all. There was no minority report put out by the Warren Commission. The final thing was that the Warren Commission, as a whole, because of the context of time, went ahead and accepted the single-bullet theory. I do not buy that. I cannot buy that, because what I saw and what I heard does not coincide with that. Now let me say something else: the FBI does not draw conclusions. You will not find in any in our reports a conclusion. What we do is present the evidence to that agency or to that group of people who requested the investigation...and that investigation then-, I mean the result of that investigation, the conclusion, is drawn by the people who read our reports.

That's what happened. That's not conjecture. Oh! I forgot one very important thing. A couple of days after the shooting of, eh, Oswald -- the burial of the president -- we requested to go to the White House to interview the Secret Service agents again, which we did do. We did do. The information which they furnished was very very similar to the information which they gave us five days earlier, which was just five or six hours afterwards.

One very peculiar thing: Roy Kellerman said he had been with the president for about three years. He says, "Quite frankly, Frank, they [sic] were on a first-name basis." For the president it was "Jack" and it was "Roy" when there was nobody around, one on one, one on two. When anybody else was around it was "Mr. President," naturally it was "Mr. President."

Mr. Evica: Frank, weren't you concerned about the transmission of 399? What did you ask the Secret Service-.

Mr. O'Neill: I didn't ask them a single thing about that. That was not within my privy at that time. In fact we didn't even know it as 399. You're telling me things I didn't know today. No, we didn't ask anything.

However, this is what Roy Kellerman said. He says, "When that first shot happened -- first shot -- somebody in the back seat said, 'My God, I've been hit.'" I said, "Who said that?" He said, "Jack Kennedy." I said, "How do you know Jack Kennedy said it?" He said, "Frank, there was only one person in that back seat with a distinctive Boston accent. And that was Jack Kennedy." "My God, I've been hit." Now, if you take the Warren Report, and the bullet goes in here -- first bullet now -- goes in here (Fig. 10) and works its way on through and it comes out of the throat -- �������and does a great job -- I think that any physician who might be here, possibly would say, "Goodbye vocal chords," and you can't say, "My God, I've been hit." And in this particular situation, I have to agree with George Michael here that that bullet which was found on the stretcher in Dallas is not the bullet which went through the president's neck. I firmly believe, to this day, the first bullet went into the president and worked out. There is no credible evidence to refute that. None! Absolutely none. It takes circumstantial, creditable evidence to say that that's what happened.

Figure 10. "...the bullet goes in here-first bullet now..."

Here"s where I disagree with a lot of other people. The second bullet hit Connally, and the third bullet said goodbye here (Fig. 11). Now we also know that something came out of the neck. Something did come out of the neck. I say out of the neck, because all of the doctors who saw that when they got in front of the Warren Commission -- under oath -- when in Dallas, they all say, "Well, it was probable or possible that it could have been a wound of exit. And also possible that it could have been a wound of entry." Every single doctor! I don't know who this doctor is who is coming on in 20/20 tomorrow, but he's not mentioned in the Warren Report. He actually, eh-.

Figure 11. "...and the third bullet said goodbye here."

Mr. Hamilton: They didn't call him to testify.

Mr. O'Neill: They didn't call him to testify, oh -- you can say anything �������������if you're not called to testify. You can get your name [three] any time you want because he's writing a book. So, I would look with a jaundiced eye at this particular individual, who evidently has not done too much research on it.

But that's up to you to make your decisions on that. You make the decisions. But, remember what I said that the top of the head was whooosh, gone -- this section here (Fig. 12)? That's a fact. Remember I said there were many different things inside the head, many different particles? I think it's logical to conclude that if there was a wound in the throat and if something came out from the inside and not the outside and it wasn't very large as the nick on the tie shows and as the nick on the collar shows, regardless of what any nurse might say that she cut something on one side when she cut the tie off, she didn't cut right in the bow -- it's quite logical to assume that that particular fragment came out through the throat. Quite logical, unless proven otherwise.

Figure 12. "...the top of the head was whooosh, gone -- this section here..."

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